Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New blog

This is the start of a new blogging page. The goal of Thought Lore is simple. Post topics that interest others, and allow people to freely exchange ideas, discuss events and issues. With the possibility of brainstorming on ideas to resolve the questions that we face today. I expect nothing big to happen with this, but find that it will at the very least be an intellectually stimulating experience/experiment.

For starters, my name is Keith currently studying abroad in Japan. I'm a senior at the University of Oklahoma, and I study International Studies in the school of International & Area studies. I've done a lot since I've attended OU, but I still feel as if the years spent in University might go to waste. Anyway with that being an issue not related to this blog. I will explain the reason for starting this blog.

If you read my earlier blog Journey Japan(Nihon written in Chinese characters) Most of what is written there is basically my experience during my first exchange in Japan. I enjoyed it, and it was quite a carefree time. There were some tough spots, and I believe I definitely talked about that. Anyway I dealt with the financial crisis while I was in Japan that first time. Felt the recession first hand when the currency value of the Japanese Yen went out of control. Its quite an interesting experience to realize the money you have now was worth less than when you first arrived. Though with this experience came maturity.

The reason I speak of this is because once I returned home to the US. I found that a lot had changed. Politically speaking. I had a year long break from keeping up with US politics. We talked about the US as if it was some nightmarish place that very few people wanted to be except for those who see the opportunities available. The US definitely isn't a nightmarish place to live in, but it definitely has its problems.

I return to the US, and realize there is a "grassroots" movement known as the Tea Party that has gained popularity. A group within it called the Birthers claim that the president of the United States isn't a citizen. An opposition party that is so irresponsible that nothing is getting done, and an offering of little to no alternatives is what they stand on. I wish I could put this in better words, but the US isn't doing too hot for itself. So this blog is to explore it. I had a year to think about a lot of this stuff. Maybe a bit of an obsession, but I am very much interested in what's going to happen next. I wish more people of the current youth understood what is really happening. What has happened, and how we got to where we are today.

I am fascinated by Japan, but not by its politics. I can care less about politics in Japan. I can be a bit of a political junky, but the political issues that go on domestically in Japan is a problem for those that are Japanese. As I do not have certain rights in Japan as a person on a student visa. I have little say in what goes on in Japan, but as a US citizen I have a lot of say on what is happening in the US. Some may call me a person that feels entitled, and indeed this is true. I not only feel I am entitled to express what I am expressing, but it is an obligation as a citizen. If I do not say anything then I feel that there will be no sanity left in the country's political discourse. I'm not so self-centered to believe that I am at the center of it, but no I am not. I am just one person. A small piece of a 300 million human mosaic. If one decides to be apathetic I believe they have a right to do so, but I also believe that it is damaging to the society. How can one sit here,and see insanity, and decide to do or say nothing? This is a simple answer because the question itself is simple. Fear is the answer. People are afraid, and overwhelmed by the challenges we face. Tough times are indeed ahead, and when a person is afraid they have one of two options. The first option is to simply run away. The second option is to rise to the occasion and do something about it. The latter option is more difficult, and Americans living in a consumerist society make decisions that benefit them the most. At least decisions perceived to benefit them the most. Following that pattern, running away from the problem is quite a nice option to choose. Why deal with it? Someone else can deal with the problem. Simply put if everyone in society says this, then civilization comes to a halt, or at the very least continues down the road of destruction at full throttle with no pretensions , or shame.

So I am politically a progressive, but I am not using this to look down upon those who share a different world view. I'm very inclusive, and I've spent a lot of time traveling to many different countries, and sharing opinions and ideas with people from various backgrounds. Some people were amazing, others were average, some weren't so bright, but all of them were brilliant human beings. The whole point of this blog is to bring out the brilliance in all of us, and to brainstorm on ideas that may prove beneficial to the future of humanity, or at the very least the current generation of young adults.

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. I agree Keith. We as Americans should feel a need to voice our opinions and speak up against radical views, both on the left and the right. I like your blog. I will continue to follow it follow it. :-)
