Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet & Occupy movement

The one thing I am glad about is pursuing the degree that I have current earned through my undergraduate years of hard work. International Studies that is. It has given me a strong background on organizations, international relations, political science, economics, political economy, history, intercultural communication, and an understanding of how successful multicultural societies operate as a whole. As such I remember people telling me a society's success is due to the lack of multiculturalism in it. This can be further from the truth.  homogenous societies fail just like multicultural societies, and often for the exact same reasons.

I have been followiung this movement for the last few weeks, and I find it interesting to see such a thing when it seemed like  it wasn't going to materialize. With that being said I have many hopes, and I realize there are ways I can become disappointed with such an organized movement. That is the ability of people to put the problems of others in the after burner in order to advance what they see fit as a proper problem to place a grievance under. With that being said, the failure and success of the occupy movement stems from  if they will be inclusive 100% and that means if someone wants to voice the problem of police brutality in african american communities then that problem should become the occupy movement's problem by taking this stance many within the african american community will adopt the organization's problems as their own as well. When it comes to human organizations the ability to reciprocate and be reciprocated is key and important. This is the foundation of all societies. When things become awkward as the current situation in the United States where the few have most of the wealth and power while the many struggle then failure of such a society is almost certain. Even societies that are created on the premise of the few privileged having the right to rule over the masses will eventually fail. I have always heard that it is a pipe dream to have a true democratic country where everyone's voice can at least be heard. But this isn't the case, it isn't a pipe dream, it can only be considered as such by those who lack talent and imagination and such people cannot call themselves leaders of any organization, group, movement, or society.

I wanted to bring this point up because a highly intelligent user on youtube made a comment stating that this isn't about color, but with that being said there is strong evidence that those in our highly stratified society do deal with issues that only happen to them simply because of color. If such issues are ignored then they will continue to keep society stratified and people isolated. This is what I am hoping the occupy movement doesn't do, and that is to isolate potential contributors and allies to the movement by refusing to adopt the problems of such groups and individuals. If such a thing was to be refused then the occupy movement will see failure, and will at that point deserve such failure.

With that being said I am hoping the grievances of all the 99% will be heard, and can be heard as the success of the occupy movement depends on it. Now more than ever before, and hopefully talented individuals are able to see this, and step up to positions of leadership that do not reflect upon the current poor leadership that has been demonstrated in all areas of United States society, from political to economically, and even socially.

Politically, politicians shamelessly take kickbacks and donations and eek out a living that is non-productive to society while misusing the trust that the people placed on them by voting for them.

Economically the American style of management has proven in some areas to be a failure, and internationally is indeed being questioned. The question of why shareholders should reap the most rewards from a company's productivity is very valid and has been raised several times. Essentially the question must be asked because there have been well known cases of shareholders bankrupting certain companies for the sake of profiting from it. This is quite a big deal as it creates a more volatile atmosphere within our economy.

Socially the US is highly stratified, if it isn't by education then it is by wealth if it isn't wealth then often it lies in skin color. This is very important as stratified societies allow for it to be easily managed by an elite few, but as mentioned earlier a society constantly ruled by an elite few while the voices of many go unheard is extremely awkward and only leads to the road of failure in the eyes of history.

With all of this being considered citizens of the United States have a real challenge ahead of them, and this challenge is even greater than the challenges of the generation of the civil rights movement had to deal with. But like that previous generation the rewards of success are quite large and will change the social,economic, and political landscape of the United States for generations to come.

I hope for the success and if interested in participating I will direct you to this site:

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